See those black records on my Audio Submissions? That means those don't need reviews, I've moved way past those in skill. Try and reivew the first two or three songs please ;D

Age 33, Male


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It seems like you got a defectve one & made it worse.

You should've took it bak & traded it for a working Xbox

I'm pretty sure all I can do is sell a defective 360, then buy a new one. I can't send it in for a new one.

But I could have swore that I could fix it, there was no 3 red rings, just those damn screws DDDDD:::::<<<,<<

Man, I fail to take you seriously, for a few reasons...
a) their offices are located in the US, and only hire citizens, so its hard for me to believe that you talked to a foriegner

b) If you informed them that you had opened the machine, that voids the warranty so yes, it would have expired

c) And they do not sell the parts, they are not radioshack, and do not sell individual parts for the machines, and besides...

If you got the Red Rings of Death its the chipset, it has nothing to do with the drive. And no company sells individual chips. If it is the RRoD, there is a small thing you can try that may fix it, at least for a little bit. Wrap the machine in a towel, with nothing but the power supply connected to it, that also means no game in the machine, and let it run for 20 minutes then see if it works. You see, the shortsidedness of M$ in thier trying to make a nice lookin machine there is not enough room for the chipset to breath and the soddering that hold sit to the board will release, so if you run the machine in the towel it will heat up the soddering to hold onto the board again. After you let it run just let it sit out of the towel for about 10 minutes then try it, good luck.

It isn't the RRoD, it's just stupid/ something with the lens. Also...

a) sounded like a foreigner, thus I believe that it is. I think there was something about me being translated, but I lost full attention after asking if I can buy a part.

b) I was told that the warranty was extended to a 3-year warranty, no questions asked. But inside, I sorta knew nothing would happen...

c) there's stuff on the website, so I assumed that I would be able to get the drive I wanted to replace. But of course, assumption is not good enough to go out on a limb anymore.

And there isn't a place that can actually buy that, and I hate buying stuff from internet sites that isn't the official site of what it's supposed to be. Too many bad stories, and there is no way I trust ebay at all.

Hearing about this makes me glad I only buy Nintendo consoles.

on my post earlier you said that the waranty was extended to 3 years, this is true, but it is voided if you open the machine, its been that way since the atari man. Does it load up at all? If so you the EB stores just turn it on and see the opening screen. Also, if you still have all the pieces and the box, just pack it up in the box the best you can and take it to wal mart and say you want to exchange this faulty product for another. Reassure them you dont want money or store credit, just a working machine 9 times out of 10 they will agree to it, as long as you still have all the pieces.

The exchange sounds like a good idea. The pieces are all there, it's just not working right...

I might try that, but if that doesn't work I think I may have to go get a new one. I should have the money to, or at least on Friday when I get paid I should... they're going for about $300 or $400 CDN right now, which is more than I'd want to pay for to have something fixed, but somewhat worth getting a new one...

I'll have to see if I can get it exchanged, or try and get a new drive though, because that's the cheaper route to take. Decisions, decisions... :|

I never really liked XBOX in the first place, i guess you just had bad luck with that there,
in my opinion, nintendo and sony are the best!

well... ya learned your lesson dont trust companies, ya had varanty didnt u? why didnt u just get a new one

Because I opened it up, thus removing the warranty. It was actually open before this incident, but I tried to get it fixed anyways because I was told there was 3-years of warranty "no questions asked".

And a brand new one would cost $300-400, and I'd rather not pay that much right now, as I get about $300 every 2 weeks from my job.