See those black records on my Audio Submissions? That means those don't need reviews, I've moved way past those in skill. Try and reivew the first two or three songs please ;D

Age 33, Male


SK, Canada

Joined on 2/10/07

Exp Points:
4,980 / 5,380
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.35 votes
Global Rank:
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You did not include tops from past weeks

I am not satisfied

I just started the list this week.

Your name will probably be in the next one, so


Heh. I think this might work. Depends on how long you keep it up. ;D

Ye, I'm a gonna be a-Bot for a bit?

(See what I did thar?)

Duuuuuuuude....that's a GREAT idea. I wish I had thought of it first >:(

It's ok, I was inspired by your/ DSM's list of audio arist's programs and hardware ^^

Good idea there lad! This is certainly something to look after from time to time...lol, statwhore! >:(

It isn't whoring if I don't get any money >:(

Nice jerb! This is where i'm going to be finding my new Newgrounds favorites, since I won't have the time to check every week.


You're welcome. You can also find favorites by looking at other people's favorites.

EXAMPLE: http://rucklo.newgrounds.com/favo rites/

By the way, why don't you put your stuff on MY list? :)

I dunno.... did just now because you brought that up ;) lol

I think I was close to getting on the weekly top 5 for 11/09/07. I had one song with 20 something votes and a 4.6 or something like that... and then it dropped to a 4.3 something and I didn't make the cut...
One day I'll be good enough to be up there...

Aw... you'll be in the list in due time.

Yey! Made it to the 11/01/07 list! ^_^ Happy, happy me!

Horay for being on the very first part of my list! ... I mean weekly top 5!

in before rule 10.


i found more poeple daring to make more lists of lists than conclude more lists.
hly sht

What can I say? Lists are in this year.

Hey, do you know how the featured artist is picked? I haven't a clue (one of those random A-bot things? or is there a formula I may have missed?)

I think blog lists are the way of the future, maybe there should be a NG front page list also? Actually, that may be something I could start... and there's the old ones in a news post somewhere...
*goes off to start yet another audio list*

Actually, if your talking about the 4 front page songs on NG, there's a thread:

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/top ic/389116

Yup, got it started.

Also, this weeks top 5 has F-777's collab alt at no. 1
Jeez, 4 top 5's in 3 weeks and last 2 weeks at top spot?
Does this guy ever stop?!
It's all good though ;D

That's right, there's a new top 5 today :O
And yeah, a big shout to F-777 for doing so good on the list, I think he's gonna be a really well known NG artist if he keeps up his great work!

I stopped by your page, I had to say, nice user image/banner. If it weren't for your name (New-Milkman :P) it would actually be something awesome that could be taken seriously. XD

Ah, well.

lol, thanks?

It was a cool image, and I desperately needed a new one. So I added stars, and then I had myself a banner and user image.

Hey - I'm not RigAudio anymore! :)
Might wanna update that link.


Dude I love you, I love this idea and Ive bookmarked this page.

Thank you so much!

Mmmm... love.... <3

im not posting a shitty ass review.

this is cool.
and im not flaming your shit either :P

later NGer!

Score: 0 / 10
Summary: wtf
Review: wow
Yes, that is a shit "+1 review". You should actually try and say why it sucks before giving a 0. No one wants to see a bad score without a reason why you think it sucks ;)

Needs Updating *Wink*

I got top 5 again XD

You think I would forget? SHAME ON YOU!


YAY! I am #1

Hey good list, this will definately come in useful for referancing

Thanks :)