So my computor was in a shop for about 3 months, (although technically it is still in there as of now...) but now I bought myself a brand new one, and I plan on making new audio AND FLASH. Yes, I fell in love with flash at my school, when we got a project to make flash toons (which is now deleted, for those who wanted to see it). I only have the demo, but I plan on getting the full version of Flash MX, as well as Fruity Loops 7. Or 8. Or possibly 47, I can't remember...
So soon enough, I will be creating no-stick death flash cartoons and not crappy... well probably still crappy audio, but one day it won't be :D
Hey, he's back! You'd BETTER get submitting, so I can give you those huge reviews again... >:D And I'll give your flash a look too if you ever submit some but I'm no expert there. ;)
And... FL Studio 7. :)